Secular Sanctuary


The Secular Sanctuary is a refuge for those wishing to escape the theistic world.

The idea of a sanctuary is partly rooted in holy references to safety, and a fitting use of the term then to describe a refuge from the ludicracies of religious society, a chance for us to reclaim our reason and confidence from a world derailed by religion.

Use this space to reflect on the negative influences of  religion on society and the person; to share experiences on how theistic and other divine beliefs have affected your life; to discover ways to support secularism and find the strength to spread the message of a new god-free society; and to understand the ways in which religion infiltrates our world.

Our Statement;

There is no such thing as a god

The natural world creates and recreates itself in all its beauty, complex ad simple, mundane and extreme, minute by minute in front of our eyes

Humanity develops and propagates moral codes that suite societies as conditions demand; the overall movement is towards higher moral codes that promote justice, the growth of society and mutual consideration

Organised religion represents the manipulation of political and social behaviour in individuals

For the positive outcomes of some religious endeavours like education and humanitarian relief, let’s reclaim those achievements for what they are, human endeavour, and carry on that good work. For the stock of negative influence and events brought on by religious belief let us accept them for what they are, malicious manipulation of leaders (church, political, rebel and commercial) to achieve an outcome through mobilising populations, beliefs and events. Let those aspects of religion die with god.


Nature and Human Endeavour provide more than enough to inspire and guide us and ultimately reward us
